Cannabis wikipedia romana

The first pair of leaves usually have a single leaflet, the number gradually increasing up to a maximum of about thirteen leaflets per leaf (usually seven or nine), depending on variety and growing conditions. Cannabis als Rauschmittel – Wikipedia Die ersten Schriften zur medizinischen Nutzung von Cannabis, für die aufgrund der hohen Menge der darin enthaltenen Cannabinoide fast ausschließlich die weiblichen Blüten der Hanfpflanze verwendet werden, gehen auf ein rund 4700 Jahre altes chinesisches Lehrbuch über Botanik und Heilkunst zurück.

There are three species: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. The cannabis plant's flowers contain a chemical or drug known as THC (short for tetra-hydro-cannabinol). Smoking or eating the flower can make a person feel euphoric (very good) or sleepy. Kannabisz – Wikipédia A kannabisz, más néven marihuána vagy „fű” a kendernövény, főként az indiai kender (Cannabis indica) és a hasznos kender (Cannabis sativa) szárított, megtermékenyítetlen (termős) kendervirágzata, melyet a múltban, időnként, (tévesen) neveztek vadkendernek is, annak ellenére, hogy azzal nem azonos. Tetrahidrocanabinol - Wikipedia Tetrahidrocanabinolul o rășină uleioasă, derivat benzo-piranic de tip canabinoidic.Este substanța activă principală din cannabis, întâlnită în drogurile vegetale hașiș și marijuana. Ruderal-Hanf – Wikipedia Im Gegensatz zu den vor allem als Kulturpflanzen bedeutsamen Cannabis sativa und Cannabis indica ist der Ruderal-Hanf eine Wildpflanze, die selbst nicht kultiviert wird. Allerdings haben alle Sippen der Gattung Cannabis zahlreiche Wild merkmale bewahrt, Landrassen gelten als nur halbdomestiziert und können verwildern.

English Wikipedia has an article on: A tall annual dioecious plant (Cannabis, especially Cannabis sativa), native to central Asia and having alternate, 

Cannabis wikipedia romana

Auswirkungen von Cannabis: Synthetic cannabinoids - Wikipedia Synthetic cannabinoids are a class of molecules that bind to the same receptors to which cannabinoids in cannabis plants THC and CBD attach. They are designer drugs, commonly sprayed onto plant matter and are usually smoked, although they have also been consumed in a concentrated liquid form in the US and UK since 2016.

Cannabis wikipedia romana

Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Arzneimittel – Wikipedia

Die einzelnen Bestandteile der Pflanze (Fasern, Samen, Blätter, Blüten) werden ungenauerweise ebenfalls als Hanf bezeichnet. Tetrahydrocannabinol – Wikipedia Tetrahydrocannabinol [THC, genauer (–)-Δ 9-trans-Tetrahydrocannabinol] ist eine psychoaktive Substanz, die zu den Cannabinoiden zählt.. Die Substanz kommt in Pflanzen der Gattung Hanf (Cannabis) vor und ihr wird der Hauptanteil der berauschenden Wirkung zugesprochen. Cânepă indiană - Wikipedia Fumatul de cannabis dăunează organismului, fie și din cauza faptului că el este consumat de obicei împreună cu tutun.

- Cannabis Social Clubs Cannabis ist der lateinische Name für Hanf. Oft werden die Hanfpflanzen auch als “Cannabis sativa”, “Cannabis indica” oder “Cannabis ruderalis”, abhängig von ihrem Ursprung bezeichnet. Als “Cannabis” im Zusammenhang mit Drogen wird “Marihuana” oder “Haschisch” verstanden. Wenn man derzeit vom “Cannabis in der Medizin” spricht, meint man das Dronabinol.

Cannabis wikipedia romana

Auswirkungen von Cannabis: Synthetic cannabinoids - Wikipedia Synthetic cannabinoids are a class of molecules that bind to the same receptors to which cannabinoids in cannabis plants THC and CBD attach. They are designer drugs, commonly sprayed onto plant matter and are usually smoked, although they have also been consumed in a concentrated liquid form in the US and UK since 2016. Cannabis: Geschichte und Gesetze - FOCUS Online „Cannabis heißt die gesamte Hanfpflanze. Marihuana („Gras“) bezeichnet die getrockneten weiblichen Blütenstände, die oft mit Blättern und Stängeln vermischt sind. Bei Has Cannabis sativa - Wikipedia Cannabis sativa is an annual herbaceous flowering plant indigenous to eastern Asia but now of cosmopolitan distribution due to widespread cultivation. It has been cultivated throughout recorded history, used as a source of industrial fiber, seed oil, food, recreation, religious and spiritual moods and medicine.

Whether it and Cannabis sativa are truly separate  Cannabis sativa is an annual herbaceous flowering plant indigenous to eastern Asia but now of cosmopolitan distribution due to widespread cultivation. Cannabis is a genus of plant.

With chemical  Cânepa indiană sau canabisul (Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa subsp. indica) radioactivi și metalele grele redând fertilitatea acestuia,  Cannabis in Romania is illegal for recreational use and allowed in only limited form for medical Languages. Română · Edit links. This page was last edited on 11 October 2019, at 07:54 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons  Marijuana, or marihuana, is a name for the cannabis plant and more specifically a drug preparation from it.

See who you know at Cura Cannabis Solutions, leverage your professional  Special Queen 1 is an easy-to-grow 50/50 indica/sativa hybrid strain that delivers a classic Skunk high. As a mix of Power Bud and Skunk, this strain is good for  Cannabis oil is a unique dietary product with high biological value. It contains a large amount of nutrients that are beneficial to human health. This oil contains  Nos graines de Cannabis sont les meilleures dans le monde. Achetez nos Graines Féminisées, Médicinales et Auto-floraison. Livraison dans le monde entier. Cannabis - Wikipedia Cannabis este un gen de angiosperme ce cuprinde după Systema Nature 2000 trei specii, Cannabis sativa L. Cannabis indica Lam., și Cannabis ruderalis Janisch.

Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at Cura Cannabis Solutions, leverage your professional  Special Queen 1 is an easy-to-grow 50/50 indica/sativa hybrid strain that delivers a classic Skunk high. As a mix of Power Bud and Skunk, this strain is good for  Cannabis oil is a unique dietary product with high biological value. It contains a large amount of nutrients that are beneficial to human health. This oil contains  Nos graines de Cannabis sont les meilleures dans le monde. Achetez nos Graines Féminisées, Médicinales et Auto-floraison.