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Durch das natürliche Kreuzen und Verbreiten aber auch durch das Kultivieren und Züchten von Strains (engl. Der Unterschied Zwischen Hanf Und Cannabis - Zamnesia Blog Hanf dagegen wird jetzt mehr als je zuvor benötigt, da unser Missbrauch nicht nachhaltiger Energien die Erde an ihre absolute Grenze bringt.

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Doch bald verdrängten synthetische Präparate Cannabis aus der Medizin, Baumwoll- und Holzlobbyisten verbannten den Hanf vom Markt, die industrielle Hanfverwertung wurde unrentabel.

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Cannabis Indica plants are known for  Cannabis indica is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. It is a putative species of the genus Cannabis.

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Lazarus Naturals Reviews by Real Users [Updated 2020] - CBD Oil CBD RSO – the RSO sold by Lazarus Naturals is from hemp so contains less than 0.3% THC. It should not be confused with “real” Rick Simpson Oil which is derived from high THC cannabis. The Lazarus RSO product is highly concentrated (100mg of CBD per milliliter) and has twice the potency of their high potency tinctures.

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Sep 27, 2018 What to look for when you shop for CBD products, including whether they For effects within a few minutes, oil drops under the tongue may be useful. For example, the strain “AC/DC” can be just 0.5 percent THC, barely  May 19, 2019 Other than Charlotte's Web and ACDC, Harlequin is probably the most CBD oil is a liquid cannabis extract that contains virtually pure CBD. AC/DC - Relieving without intoxicating, this powerful CBD dominant sativa-leaning hybrid comes from just one parent strain.

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